Sunday, December 8, 2013

Cats and Penitence

Okay, dear readers… I owe you an apology.

Yes, its true… I didn’t blog at all last month. I was busy (wedding! holidays!). I was tired (work! no sleep!). I didn’t want to subject you to only whining, complain-y posts (Too much work! Not enough science! What am I doing with my life?!). But I’m still sorry.  

So as an act of penitence, I have collected a rather stunning array of cat-themed articles (the term 'articles' is really a stretch, since most of them come from BuzzFeed) that I will be including with all of my posts for the foreseeable future.

Basically, I am giving you extra cats per post. Also, if you have cute pictures of your cats (or, you know, other people’s cats… I’m not really that legalistic about who the cat belongs to), by all means send those to me as well! I hope to incorporate some new adorable feline friends in here soon.

So without further ado…

(Elizabeth seems to be drawn to my bed if I am using my lightbox in it, and both of my cats regularly donate their fur to my body blankets. I guess that means they have been taking care of me.)

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